Mosaic Magazine

Mosaic Magazine


Mosaic Magazine is an invaluable resource to both our readers and to the many professional holistic health service providers in it.  Its purpose is to educate our readers about the wide variety of personal development, holistic alternative health and healing therapies/services available.

It contains a beautiful mixture of both practical and mystical knowledge designed to bring you more hope, insight, clarity and peace, AND to connect you with the varied people/modalities/resources that can help you navigate your life’s journey.  You were never meant to do it alone.

It’s important to also say that not everything works for everyone.  While some love CranioSacral Therapy and many other therapies, that doesn’t mean it’s for you and even within each type of therapy, each therapist’s energy is different.  The key is to find the therapies, practitioners, resources and products that resonate with you, that make your heart sing.  It’s a journey of self discovery and one where curiosity can be your best friend.

Edmonton | Alberta

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